Sunday, February 1, 2015

Tokyo Heist

Tokyo Heist is a mystery novel written by Diana Renn. It is about a missing Van Gogh, Japanese mafia, and an unexplained death. This "East meets West" story tackles common cultural and generational issues and how these differences affect relationshiops. Creative and unique, Diana Renn paints real and animated pictures through her written words in her debut book. Tokyo Heist is indeed a pleasant revelation.

Favorite quotes: 
"A bridge isn't just something we build out of wood or steel. A bridge can also be the people that connect our past to our present, or the people that connect one country to another. And making or sustaining a bridge can be as simple as people talking. It's people making connections." 

"You see, many Japanese people have a certain vision of love. They believe impossible love is the strongest love there is." 

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