Monday, February 2, 2015

Marcelo in the Real World

Marcelo in the Real World by Francisco X. Stork is an eye-opener for parents who have gifted children. Marcelo Sandoval, the protagonist in the story, is a unique hero that everyone would love. Forced to mingle with people in the "real" world, Marcelo struggles how to be functional in his dad's law firm. Torn between doing what is best for his own interest and what seems right, Marcelo listens to the imaginary music inside his head to decide his course of action. This story lets us take a look inside the beautiful mind of Marcelo and lets us understand the social conscience that should govern each and everyone of us. This is truly an amazing read. It is wholly compelling and not to be missed.

Favorite quotes:
"It's not hard to simplify the thought processes of the brain. All you have to do is stop unwanted thoughts from rising up."

"Every day I come to work, I tell myself, I'm a warrior and this is a battle. I put on my war face. That's another figure of speech. It's a way of saying that I understand I will need to watch out for people's motives and I will need to be competitive - like in a war, where some will win and some will lose. It's important that you see that side of life."

"I don't believe in suffering. If a kid is happy, understood, and appreciated, he will bloom in his or her own time."

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