Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Barefoot Book of Princesses

The Barefoot Book of Princesses is a collection of princess stories not just for little girls, but also for adults alike. It comes with an audio CD which is a very good companion for those who are just beginners in the English language. This book is beautifully told and presented. Caitlin Matthews, the audio talent, is such a dynamic storyteller who could easily make you imagine pictures through her melodious voice.

The audio book contains seven tracks:
1) The Princess and the Pea
2) The Mountain Princess
3) The Princess who Lost her Hair
4) The Bird-Cage Husband
5) The Beggar Princess
6) The Horned Snake's Wife
7) The Sleeping Beauty

Favorite Passage:

"The world is wide and there are many strange things in it. Best be content with simple things."

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