Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Geronimo Stilton: The Kingdom of Fantasy

What I think about the book:

The Kingdom of Fantasy is a wonderfully illustrated book which young readers will enjoy. It has several detailed maps with very creative names for imaginary places. The book also includes a language called Fantasian which allows readers to decode hidden messages in the text.

The book does not have an elaborate plot. This book is good for 2nd and 3rd graders because it has a relatively low lexile for such a thick book. This book is recommended to young readers who like mystery and fantasy genres.

Favorite part of the book:

The Riddle Tournament


1. What do you desire most . . . but when you get it, you're not even aware of it?
2. What does everybody know how to open, but nobody knows how to close?
3. It's not the moon, it's not the stars, yet it illuminates the fields. What is it?
4. What is the first thing to go down from a ship - before the captain and before the passengers?
5. What is the hottest and at the same time the freshest thing?


1. sleep
2. egg
3. a lightning bulb
4. anchor
5. bread

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